Heal with Hayley


Heal with Hayley is like no other program on the market for healing your pelvic floor after a baby. She starts slow so that you are building a strong foundation and gives helpful advice throughout each workout. The same kind of advice I get when I go to a Pelvic Floor physiotherapist. It makes me feel more motivated and less stressed about exercise when I know I am doing workouts approved by someone who knows how to respect the pelvic floor.”


postnatal healing

postnatal healing

postnatal healing

This program is an essential part of your postnatal care after birth prior to returning to your full pre-pregnancy exercise routine, with 16 weeks of classes focused on restoring your core and pelvic floor and helping you safely return to running and high impact activity.

Designed to restore your core and pelvic floor to full function after birth, minimize complications, and help you return to the exercise you love faster.


“I'm loving the classes [in Heal with Hayley] already! I was seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist while I was pregnant but it was difficult to keep up with the exercises. This program takes care of my postpartum fitness while helping me with my pelvic floor issues, which is really convenient. I’m so glad I found this!”


postnatal information


  • Posture Reset

  • Restorative Stretch

  • Pelvic Floor Training

  • Deep Core Training

  • Low-Impact HIIT

  • Medium-Impact HIIT

  • Running Drills

  • Plyometric Drills

*All classes are on-demand and range from 10-20 minutes in length.


  • ‍Month 1: Restore Your Core & Pelvic Floor

  • Month 2: Regain Your Strength & Flexibility

  • Month 3: Rediscover Your Plank & Prepare for Plyometrics

  • Month 4: Return-to-run and High Impact HIIT


  • A copy of my e-book: Guidelines for Healing Postpartum

  • Monthly calendar

  • Weekly Calendar: plan your week of workouts to stay on track

  • Monthly Checkpoints: a questionnaire after month 2, 3, and 4 that will tell you if you are ready to progress to the next level

  • Return-to-run checklist and plan: includes a full week-by-week running plan for your first two months after the program to help you ease back into running safely

BONUS: Full access to my online Yoga Studio — includes guided yoga, strength, and mobility classes. Click here to learn more!

$49 USD/month - Join anytime and stay as long as you need. The program is designed to be four months long, but our subscription model allows you to join and start at the level you are at and finish when you feel fully ready.

$159 USD - purchase the full 4-month program and save $37 USD. This package is recommended if you are newly postpartum and want to complete the full 4 months or you want to repeat another round of the program! You can always start with the monthly subscription and switch to the full program later!

Healing your abdominal wall after birth

Diastasis, who? We will focus on safely building tension across the abdominal wall, working with your body's natural timeline for healing, and introduce all variations of abdominal movement, to help you prevent and repair abdominal wall separation and regain full strength in your core.

Healing your pelvic floor after birth

Say no to pelvic organ prolapse, crossing your legs when you sneeze, and only wearing black leggings just-in-case. Our pelvic floor classes are designed to help you heal from within and protect your pelvic floor for years to come.

Returning to run

We know how important it is to have the choice and freedom to continue activities that you love. Due to the high-impact, high-intensity nature, running is one of the hardest forms of exercise to return to postpartum. This program is designed with runners in mind, with our specialized classes, running drills, and an 8-week running plan, you will be able to enjoy that endorphin-rush once again.

Returning to high impact exercise

Are you a die-hard bootcamp lover but the thought of jumping up and down right now makes you nervous? I got you - this program is designed to help you safely return to plyometric training, with specialized core and pelvic floor classes, plyometric drills, and high-intensity training, you will learn how to build power and speed so you can get back to those classes, symptom-free!


  • All equipment for the program is optional. You will still experience all the core and pelvic floor benefits with or without equipment. Suggested: mat, 1-2 yoga blocks, light weights (1-3lbs), medium weights (5-15lbs), gliders or towel, and a foam roller.

  • Yes! Even though the program can start as early as 1 week after birth, it’s effective for those struggling with core weakness at any stage postpartum.

  • The program is 4 months long and fully on-demand. There are 3-4 classes included each week ranging from 10-20 minutes. Each month is broken down into week one and week two, where you will alternate between weeks. After that month, you move on to a whole new set of classes. I designed the program specifically this way because repetition and consistency are extremely important for building strength in tissues that are healing. When I design a personalized program for my clients, they repeat the same exercises for at least 8 weeks. The most effective fitness programs are designed with these principles in mind; however, large overwhelming on-demand libraries with different workouts every day have become trendy. If your goal is healing and results, the format of Heal with Hayley will get you there.

  • Absolutely, all of the same principles apply for restoring your core and pelvic floor after cesarean birth. At 3 months, you should have a mature scar so your consult might look different - I can teach you scar massage techniques and I can provide recommendations on how to take care of your scar, on top of creating a plan for you to reach your goals!

  • Yes! Think of it as your postpartum fitness program - it has all of the benefits of building strength, tone, flexibility, and more. Prevention is so important in the first 6-7 months postpartum while your body is healing, and that’s why I created this so you can gradually return to exercising safe way without causing or worsening core and pelvic floor dysfunction.

  • It is important to note that the program is designed with very gentle pelvic floor and core exercises and stretches for the first 6 weeks of the program, but you will still need exercise clearance from your birth practitioner (OB, midwife) before beginning this program if you haven’t already been cleared for exercise at your 6-week check-up.

  • Absolutely! Throughout the program, you will have access to me through email/DM if you have any questions!


“I like how the videos are short and segmented by week. It makes it easy for me to get them done and gives me a sense of achievement. She also does progressive overload so each week the program gets harder. I am really glad I found Heal with Hayley. I recommend it to all my friends. Plus, a bonus is you will see her dog make cameos”


kind words